We are investing in a better world.

We support projects with tangible assets, positive impact, and visionary leaders

People of Meriton

We didn’t appear overnight - we are a broader part of Miton. Miton has been building great companies for over 20 years.

Our mission

our long-term goal is to help tangible projects achieve exponential growth

We enter visionary projects with a positive impact

We stand behind leaders and invest in personalities with a desire to grow

We have an overview. We invest in various industries, applying our expertise.
supported projects
We see the world in context. We provide support and connect projects.
Billion net assets
Our resources and know-how work in projects that we believe can improve the quality of life in the Czech Republic in the long term.
We are partners
In all projects, we are actively involved, providing our know-how, experience, and offering a helping hand in crisis situations.
We have an experienced team
Each of us is an expert in something different. Together, we can drive any project we are passionate about.
We grow together
We are constantly looking for ways to move our projects forward. We create space for organic connections.

We live shared stories

We do not only fund projects financially. We are partners who can provide strategic direction, set up the structure, ensure marketing support, or lend a helping hand with financial management.

We enable people to save and invest efficiently

We are exploring new opportunities in the field of zero-emission energy

We help local and sustainable gastronomy grow

They wrote about us & our projects

Forbes logo

Baterka, Adaptér, Nabíječ, Dynamo. To je jen výběr z třiceti různých piv, která nabízí jablonecký minipivovar Volt.

Czech Crunch

Meriton has been a broader part of the Miton group since 2018, when Martin Řezáč, together with the original founders of Miton, wanted to create an independent investment branch with a slightly different focus. While Miton primarily focuses on investments in startups, Meriton targets companies that are inherently more conservative and long-term. Therefore, Meriton is interested in areas such as investment commodities, energy, local gastronomy, and real estate.

Forbes logo

The volume of target amounts in commodity accounts, where clients gradually purchase precious metals, currently exceeds 57 billion CZK. The company thus maintains its position as the largest seller of precious metals on the Czech market.

Meriton team

Creating a better world together

Are strong values and a clear vision your driving force? Are you a natural talent? Join a team with an entrepreneurial spirit and a broad portfolio of invested projects. Let's work together to develop them to their full potential.

I want career in Meriton

Let us
know about you

You would like to learn more about the opportunities we offer? Let's get to know each other and enrich one another. We look forward to it.

Curriculum vitae

Office Prague

V Parku 2308/8
148 00 Prague 11-Chodov

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[email protected]

Media contact

Marcela Šroubková
[email protected]

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